Both the alcohols and aldehydes are secondary products of the oxidation. 醇和醛两者为氧化的次级产物。
According to statistics, in recent years, the export volume of Guangdong Province's agricultural and secondary products and processed products has always been in the forefront in the nation. 据统计,近几年,广东省农副产品及其加工品出口额一直在全国位居前列。
When the aim of the process is to harvest secondary products such as the antimicrobial dye shikonin, optimum production often occurs late in the growth cycle, when cell death is beginning to occur. 当悬浮培养的目的是获得次生代谢产物时(如抗微生物的染料-紫草素),最佳产量通常在生长周期的后期,也就是细胞刚开始出现死亡的时候。
Many plant secondary products are difficult to produce by organic synthesis. 许多植物的次级代谢产物很难通过有机合成获得。
Synthesis, application of long-chain-alkyl silicone oil and secondary products were introduced in the paper. 系统地介绍了长链烷基硅油及二次加工品的合成及用途,并对其应用前景进行了展望。
The transpired air does not include any oil content, which remove the vexation of the facilites with air and the secondary products polluted the oil. ⊙排出的空气不含油份,解除油对用设施和二次产品污染的烦恼。
Thus secondary metabolic products play a very important role in the life history of plant populations. 次生代谢产物在植物种群的生活史中发挥着重要作用。
Activity in the secondary markets for securitised products dried up as well, as investors stopped trading except if forced into a fire-sale. 证券化产品二级市场的活动同样枯竭了,除非被迫贱价抛售,投资者已不再进行此类交易。
Swarm intelligence analysis of primary and secondary causes of defective products for manufacturing system 面向生产系统的残次品主次成因的群体智能分析
On the basis of the analysis of primary reaction, secondary reaction and main products formation, the mechanism model of cellulose pyrolysis was proposed. 并在分析纤维素一次反应、挥发份二次裂解以及各主要产物的生成和演变过程基础上,探讨得到完整统一的纤维素热裂解机理模型。
In this review, research progress in their nutritional substances, secondary metabolism products and pharmaceutical action and propagation was summarized, the base for more study, development and use of Sedum plants resource was provided. 总结了近年来景天属植物的营养成分、次生代谢产物及药理、繁殖等方面的研究进展,为更好地研究、开发和利用我国景天属植物资源提供依据和基础。
Direct Analysis of Secondary Organic Photooxidation Products Using Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectrometer 用傅里叶变换红外光谱直接分析甲苯生成的二次有机光氧化产物
Investigation Report on Manufacturing Equipments for Wood Based Panels and Their Secondary Processing Products in China 我国人造板及二次加工技术装备调研报告
Determination of Unsaturates in Secondary Processing Products of Petroleum Refining 炼油二次加工产品中不饱和烃的分析测定
Caliche crusts are secondary products formed by the dissolution of meteoric water on former lithified sediments and rocks during their exposure into subaerial vadose environments. 钙结壳是土壤层之下的岩石在出露地表渗流带环境内受大气雨水的溶解,并通过上覆土壤层的淋滤而成的产物。
Quantities of lactulose of 1.18 g/ 100ml and low levels of secondary products ( epi-lactose, galactose and organic acids) were produced under these conditions of reaction. 乳果糖的量为1.18g/100ml,通过这种反应条件可以生产出低水平的二级产品(表乳糖,半乳糖以及有机酸)。
The Method of Extracting Total RNA from Plants with Plenty of Secondary Products 一种从富含次生物质的植物中提取RNA的方法
Study on Monascus in the Environment of Swellfun ⅱ. the Secondary Metabolic Products from Monascus ruber 水井街酒坊环境中红曲霉的研究Ⅱ.红色红曲霉次生代谢产物的研究
Economic trend of secondary mineral products in Chinese mainland 中国再生矿产的经济性趋势
The secondary products detection found that composition types in wild hypha and in cultured ones were similar. 次生产物检测认为发酵培养的菌丝成分与野生隐孔菌均含有相似的成分类型。
This paper suggested the current situation of epoxy ethane production, summarized the preparation and application of epoxy ethane secondary products and of its derivative fine chemical and, stressed prediction of epoxy ethane derivatives development. 介绍了环氧乙烷的生产现状,综述了环氧乙烷二次加工产品及由其衍生的其它精细化学品的制法及用途,着重对环氧乙烷的衍生产品的发展进行了预测。
The plant alkaloids, as the secondary metabolism products, play a key role in environment adaptation of plants. 植物生物碱作为一种次生代谢产物,在植物的环境适应中发挥着积极的作用。
Based the relationship between carbonyl stress and neurodegenerative diseases, histamine ( HA) an important neurotransmitter and inflammatory factor in the pathological situations was investigated to react with one of the secondary products in lipid peroxidation malondialdehyde ( MDA). 在羰基应激与神经退行性疾病具有相关性的研究背景下,探讨了体内常见的神经递质/炎症介质&组胺与脂质过氧化中间产物之一的丙二醛(MDA)的反应机理。
Iridoid& a promising potential secondary products 有发展前途的植物次生物质&环烯醚萜类
In recent years, some low molecular weight secondary metabolite products isolated from fruiting body, mycelin and medium of higher fungi exhibit properties of anti-tumor lead compounds. 近年来,发现从高等真菌子实体、培养菌丝体和培养基中分离提取的一些低分子量次生代谢产物具有抗肿瘤先导化合物的特性。
Lignin is one of the major secondary products in plants with important biological functions. 木质素是植物体中具重要生物功能的次生代谢产物。
Seeing this and based on investigations and practices, this paper compiles optimum cases of secondary distribution of oil products in Dalian marketing company. 有鉴于此,本文在调查研究和实践的基础上,编写了大连销售公司成品油二次配送优化案例。
The activities of key enzymes and contents of secondary metabolic products in phenylpropanoid metabolites of grafted tomato seedlings are closely related to the level of resistance to southern root-knot nematode. 4. 表明苯丙烷代谢的关键酶活性及代谢产物含量与番茄嫁接苗对南方根结线虫的抗性水平密切相关。
With a comprehensive analysis of MC-DBP formation mechanism, it was not difficult to find MCs mainly subjected to the the addition reaction of Adda conjugated diene and dehydration reaction of some secondary products. 综合分析MC-DBPs的生成机制,不难发现MC主要经历Adda共轭二烯双键加成反应和部分初级产物的脱水反应。